I will fully commit to being a positive change agent. A positive difference maker in as many lives as possible. I stand in solidarity with the black community against systemic racism.
As part of my commitment to be part of the change that must happen, one of the first steps I have taken at this time is to become a Friend of the Stephen Lawerence Charitable Trust here in the UK.
The trust works with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds aged 13 to 30 to inspire and enable them to succeed in the career of their choice.
Their vision is that every person, regardless of their background, has the opportunity and support to flourish in a society that treats them with fairness and respect.
Beyond my initial donation, regular communication with the Trust each month will ensure I continue to educate myself further about the challenges that must be overcome. The more I understand, the better informed and connected I am, the more impactful my actions can be.
Whether through mentorship and career advice, enabling freelance opportunities and work experience within my company and the wider industry - and/or other ways the Trust believes I can make a positive impact, I am committed to ensure greater equality of access and opportunity.
As a father myself, I can't imagine how heartbreaking and traumatic it must be for your child to be subject to discrimination and denied any opportunity because of their background or the colour of their skin.
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement, and it's a philosophy I work hard at applying to all areas of my life. I’m also very aware of how much more there will always be to know. So if you have any suggestions as to ways to do things ever better, please get in touch as I welcome those conversations.